Polyfunkční dům - příprava a organizace výstavby

Autor: Krč, Jan
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2014
kontrol and test plan
smlouva o dílo
bezpečnost práce
reinforced concrete structure
vodorovné nosné konstrukce
Multifunctional building
kontrolní a zkušební plán
rozpočet zařízení staveniště
contract of work
Polyfunkční dům
rozpočet objektu
časový harmonogram skeletu
vliv na životní prostředí
časové nasazení prvků zařízení staveniště
schedule of using of site equipment
svislé nosné konstrukce
site equipment
the environmental impact
schedule of object
časové nasazení strojů
zařízení staveniště
vnitřní omítky
časový harmonogram objektu
železobetonový skelet
horizontal parts of reinforced concrete structure
schedules of reinforced concrete structure
safety of work
schedule of using of machinery
strojní sestava
budget of site equipment
the budget
inside plasters
vertical parts of reinforced concrete structure
Druh dokumentu: masterThesis
Popis: This master´s thesis deals with project planning and management of construction of multifunctional building. The main part of thesis are budget of object and schedules of work, which contain realization of reinforced concrete structure and other related works. Another part of thesis deals with the technical regulations about the implementation of horizontal and vertical parts of reinforced concrete structure and from finishing works about realization of inside plasters. Following this part there is design and schedule of using of appropriate building machines and small machinery for their implementation, design of site equipment, quality assurance of works performed, safety of work and minimization of environmental impact. The thesis contains also proposal of contract of work. This work does not deal with substructure of multifunctional building, because this is solved in bachelor thesis.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations