Napojení agendového informačního systému k základním registrům

Autor: Němcová, Jana
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2016
Druh dokumentu: masterThesis
Popis: The aim of this thesis is to extend Reference Model Management Business Informatics (MBI) in area of public administration, and specifically for the integration with the basic registers. The issue has been current since June 2012, when a pilot operation of basic registers started. Basic registers can be considered as a pillar of the Czech e-government. Basic registers are public administration information system, that keeps so called reference data in the registers such as Register of inhabitants (ROB), Register of Legal Persons (ROS), Register of rights and duties (RPP) and Register of territorial identification, addresses and properties (RUIAN). Reference data are believed to be correct unless it is proven otherwise. The area of basic registers is governed by Act no. 111/2009 Coll., o základních registrech. MBI is a reference model of IT management, which is primarily made for people from practice. Mainly involved in the development of MBI is the information technology department at the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics at the University of Economics in Prague. The thesis consists of four main parts. The first part briefly introduces the reader into the model MBI so that he could understand the basic idea of the model and its terminology. Another section contains the introduction to the integration of an agenda information system with the basic registers. The part defines terms such as e-government, basic registers, agenda, agenda information system. It also describes the benefits of basic registers for citizens. Following part is dedicated to the definition of new objects of the model. New objects extend the model in the area of public administration with respect to integration of the agenda information system with basic registers. The last major part of thesis verifies chosen objects in the model situation. Aims of the thesis are achieved by analyzing the web portal and current MBI objects. It is also analyzed in detail the issue of basic registers and integration of agenda information system. The main source of information for this issue is the legislation. Further information is obtained from documents created by administrator of Information system of basic registers and work experience of the author. Contribution of the thesis involves a complex view on the issue without a good knowledge of IT environments of public administration. Using the newly created MBI objects involved people should be able to integrate agenda information system with basic registers
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations