Perspektivy veřejného zadávání v kontextu revize práva Evropské unie

Autor: Vránová, Iveta
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2013
Druh dokumentu: masterThesis
Popis: Diploma thesis with the topic "Perspectives of public contracts in the context of revision of the European Union's law", provides a summary of the most important changes brought by the transposition of the European Directive to the Czech Law. This thesis is based on the Public Contracts Directive 2014/24/EU, dated 26th February 2014, which replaced the previous Public Contracts Directive 2004/18/ES, and Directive 2014/25/EU, which replaced the Directive 2004/17/ES. The thesis deals with the reasons leading to the change of all mentioned Directives as well as with the "technical amendment" of the Public Procurement Act No. 137/2006 Coll., which has been in effect since the 1st of January 2014.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations