Výskyt škůdců česneku kuchyňského v závislosti na nadmořské výšce

Autor: Sapáková, Eva
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2013
Druh dokumentu: Doctoral Thesis
Popis: Garlic pests have been observed on the following five study plots named Nedakonice (178 m), Olomouc (241 m), Dolní Němčí (256 m), Suchá Loz (306 m) and Vápenky (484 m) in 2010 -- 2012. The occurrence of pests has been found out on winter varieties Dukát and Blanin using various monitoring methods during the vegetation. The damage 13 varieties of stored garlic has also been evaluated. Five pest species have been found in greater abundance, the most important pest was onion fly (Delia antiqua Meigen, 1826) occurring in all study plots in all years of the experiment. Onion fly has been caused significantly greater infestation on the edge study plot (32.3 larvae) than in their center (16.3 larvae). For the first occurrence of garlic fly (Suillia univittata von Roser, 1840) is important not only the temperature in the afternoon, but mainly the temperature at night, which may not be less than 1 °C, at least three consecutive days. Most adults onion weevil (Oprohinus suturalis Fabricius, 1775) have been monitored on a variety Blanin (43.1 imag/m2) in Dolní Němčí study plot. The highest abundance of adults onion beetle (Lilioceris merdigera Linnaeus,1758) was at temperatures 18 -- 24 °C in dry and sunny weather. The highest abundance of garlic mite (Aceria tulipae Keifer, 1938) has been found on Plovdiv Rogosh variety (semi-bolting variety), up to 1500 individuals at one clove.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations