Validation of the design of a high resolution all-reflection Michelson interferometer for atmospheric spectroscopy

Autor: Carlson, Scott M.
Rok vydání: 1993
Druh dokumentu: Diplomová práce
Popis: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
The design of a high resolution Plane Grating All-reflection Michelson Interferometer for ionospheric spectroscopy was analyzed using ray tracing techniques. This interferometer produces an interference pattern whose spatial frequency is wavelength dependent. The instrument is intended for remote observations of the atomic oxygen triplet emission line profile at 1304 A in the thermosphere from sounding rocket or satellite platforms. The device was modeled using the PC-based ray tracing application, DART, and results analyzed through fourier techniques using the PC with Windows version of the Interactive Data Language (IDL). Through these methods, instrument resolution, resolving power, and bandpass were determined. An analysis of the effects of aperture size and shape on instrument performance was also conducted.
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