Public -- private sector passenger rail Intelligence and terrorism information sharing

Autor: Crosbie, William L.
Rok vydání: 2008
Druh dokumentu: Diplomová práce
Popis: CHDS State/Local
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited
What is an effective methodology for intelligence and terrorism information sharing within a private passenger rail organization and with their external public partners? This thesis uses three distinct research methodologies that collectively lead to an effective strategy for intelligence and terrorism information sharing within a private passenger railroad, and with its external public partners (Chapter III): 1. Key Amtrak personnel will be interviewed to establish and confirm how intelligence information currently flows within Amtrak and with its external intelligence community and law enforcement partners (Chapter II). 2. A survey of key Amtrak operations personnel to establish Amtrak's intelligence priorities and requirements (Chapter IV). 3. Two case studies on potential models for intelligence and terrorism information sharing (Chapters V and VI). There were two outcomes from this research: (1) by leveraging the power of informal networks in the context of the abstract megacommunity framework, an effective strategy for intelligence and terrorism information sharing was developed; and (2) based on the needs of front line railroad operating personnel, an intelligence product that helps to protect the public and the nation's critical railroad infrastructure was developed.
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