Efficacy of exogenous phytase and protease enzymes on performance and gastrointestinal health in broiler chickens

Autor: Segobola, Phokela Jonathan
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Druh dokumentu: Dissertation
Popis: The efficacy of exogenous phytase and protease, alone and in combination, or in combination with AGP, zinc bacitracin on performance and intestinal morphology in broilers was tested. Broilers were fed a diet containing nutrients at recommended levels (positive control, PC) with no enzyme supplementation or a diet with lower nutrient density than PC, either without enzyme supplementation (negative control, NC) or with enzyme(s) (Treatments, Trt). Nutrient specifications of NC1, 2 and 3 diets were decreased by levels expected to be made available by Ronozyme® HiPhos, Ronozyme® ProAct and a combination of Ronozyme® HiPhos and ProAct, respectively. The NC1, 2 and 3 diets contained the same level of nutrients than the NC counterpart, but with the respective enzymes supplemented to the diets. At 34d of age, body weight (BW), but not feed intake (FI), of NC1 was lower (P
Dissertation (MSc (Agric))--University of Pretoria, 2016.
Animal and Wildlife Sciences
MSc (Agric)
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