Persoonlikheid, selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid as voorspellers van toesighouersukses

Autor: Hanekom, Anton Nel
Jazyk: afrikánština
Rok vydání: 1995
Druh dokumentu: Dissertation
Popis: Text in Afrikaans
Hierdie verhandeling fokus op persoonlikheid. selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardighede. as voorspellers van toesighouersukses. Persoonlikheid en selfaktualisering word vanuit die dimensionele en humanistiese persoonlikheidsteoriee en toesighouersvaardighede vanuit die bestuurpsigologie beskryf. 'n Psigometriese toetsbattery is saamgestel uit drie instrumente wat onderskeidelik persoonlikheid (16 PF Vraelys), selfaktualisering (Persoonlike Orientasie-inventaris) en toesighouersvaardigheid (Posmandjie) evalueer. Vir die doel van hierdie navorsing, is toesighouersukses (volgens prestasiebeoordeling), die afhanklike veranderlike terwyl persoonlikheid. selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid die onafhanklike veranderlikes is. Die psigometriese toetsbattery is gebruik om te bepaal of daar 'n verband bestaan tussen: a) persoonlikheid. selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid onderling b) persoonlikheid. selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid. en prestasie c) persoonlikheid, selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid gesamentlik, en prestasie deur die formulering van statistiese kombinasies. Die resultate is weergegee en die nulhipoteses aanvaar of verwerp waarna die resultate bespreek is. Hierna is die gevolgtrekking geformuleer dat die gekombineerde statistiese kombinasies of gedeeltes van die drie psigometriese instrumente saam gebruik kan word om toesighouersukses te voorspel.
This dissertation focuses on personality. self-actualisation and supervisory skills as predictors of supervisor success. The dimensional and humanistic personality theories were used to describe personality and self-actualisation while supervisory skills were explained in the context of management psychology. A psychometric battery was compiled consisting of three instruments to evaluate personality (16 PF Questionnaire). self-actualisation (Personality Orientation Questionnaire). and supervisory skills (In-basket Exercise) respectively. In this research supervisory success is the dependent variable. and personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skills the independent variables. The psychometric battery were used to determines if any correlation exists between: a) personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skills b) personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skills. and performance. c) personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skills combined and performance through the formulation of statistical combinations. The results were provided. interpreted and discussed. The conclusion was reached that the statictical combination or parts of the three psychometric instruments combined could be used to predict supervisory success.
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
M. Com. (Bedryfsielkunde)
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