Bibelauslegung im Spannungsfeld von Methodenvielfalt und Eindeutigkeitsbestreben - Dargestellt, Untersucht und Gewertet unter Zuhilfenahme der Wirkungsgeschichte von Lukas 10,25-37 = Bible interpretation between methodological pluralityand the clarity of the text - described, examined and assessed with reference to the history of interpretation of Luke 10:25-37

Autor: Klotz, Monika
Rok vydání: 2007
Druh dokumentu: Dissertation
Popis: Text in German
Taking the plurality of methods in Biblical studies as starting point this dissertation shows a way to coherent interpretation message. An analysis of the current state and its long history identifies characteristics preventing clear interpretation results as well as ways to work out coherent interpretation messages. It is accompanied by five interpretations of Luke 10:25-37. An interdisciplinary excursus examines the legal interpretation with its claim of clarity. Three levels of interpretation are considered as essential for an adequate process of interpretation: 1. Clarification of the literal meaning on the basis of a historical exegesis. The author calls for the interdisciplinary cooperation of the methods and introduces a synthesis of methods. 2. Consideration of the reception history of texts. Special attention is given to the authority of interpretation in the Roman Catholic Church. The author regards "interpretive communities" as an alternative option. 3. The Holy Spirit's influence on the process of interpretation. Also in post-modern times interpreters need to "inhabit" the biblical texts.
Biblical and Ancient studies
M.Th. (New Testament)
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