Lean six sigma deployment and implementation strategies for MCG Industries (PTY) LTD.

Autor: Stone, Mark Eric
Rok vydání: 2007
Druh dokumentu: Diplomová práce
Popis: Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Continuous improvement is a consensus theme used by many industries for improving product quality and service. In the last decade a new quality philosophy known as Six Sigma has become well established in many companies, e.g., Motorola, General Electric, Ford, Honda, Sony, Hitachi, Texas Instruments, American Express, etc. Some have suggested that the Six Sigma quality improvement philosophy is not only impacting the global business sector, but will also re-shape the discipline of statistics. The Six Sigma philosophy for improving product and service quality is based upon existing principles established by other well-recognised quality experts, (Le. Deming, Juran, and Ishikawa). The significant departure of the Six Sigma philosophy from existing quality philosophies is that it promotes a stronger emphasis on monitOring production yield and manufacturing costs associated with any quality improvement effort. The other significant contribution that Six Sigma makes to the quality movement is the detailed structure for continuous improvement and the step-by-step statistical methodology. The goal of any Six Sigma improvement effort is to obtain a long-term defect rate of only 3.4 defective parts per million manufactured. Lean and Six Sigma are recent developments in continuous improvement methodology that have been popularised by several high-profile companies. The success and complementary nature of these methodologies has led to their combination into a single methodology, commonly called Lean Six Sigma (LSS). Although there is considerable literature available and many implementations of LSS, very little published research addresses the practical experiences of companies that have implemented LSS. To formalise a Lean Six Sigma implementation strategy for MeG Industries the focus of this research was to answer the research question: "How and why are certain implementations of LSS successful or unsuccessful?" To answer this question, this research investigates the implementation processes of organisations by addressing the following investigative questions: .:. How has LSS been deployed and implemented in organisations? .:. What are barriers to LSS deployment and how are they overcome? .:. What are challenges experienced during a LSS implementation and how are they overcome? The investigative questions further focused the research question and identified several factors that appeared to significantly contribute to implementation success; these factors are: .:. Fusing business strategy with continuous improvement strategy .:. Leadership commitment and involvement in the deployment and implementation processes .:. The use of consultants that are proficient and experienced .:. A defined organisational model and infrastructure which links the continuous improvement efforts with the performance measurement system and senior leadership .:. Defined and standardised personnel selection criteria This research's purpose is to assist MeG Industries to structure a continuous improvement program that abates or eliminates the negative effects caused by deployment barriers and implementation challenges.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Deurlopende verbetering is 'n eenstemminge tema gebruik deur menige nywerhede vir die verbetering van produkgehalte en diens. Gedurende die afgelope dekade is 'n nuwe kwaliteitsfilosofie, bekend as Six Sigma, goed gevestig in verskeie maatskappye, bv. Motorola, General Electric, Ford, Honda, Sony, Hitachi, Texas Instruments, American Express ens. Sommige het voorgestel dat die Six Sigma kwaliteit verbeteringfilosofie nie alleenlik impak maak op die globale besigheidsekor nie maar sal ook die disipline van statistiek herskep. Die Six Sigma filosofie vir die verbetering van produk en dienskwaliteit is gebasseer op bestaande beginsels gevestig deur welbekende kwaliteitdeskundiges (bv. Deming, Juran en Ishikawa). Die betekenisvolle afwyking van die Six Sigma filosofie vanaf die bestaande kwaliteitfilosofie is die bevordering van 'n sterk klem op die moniteering van produksieopbrengs en vervaardigingskostes verbind met enige kwaliteitverbeterings inspanning. Die ander betekenisvolle bydrae wat Six Sigma aan kwaliteitbeweging maak is die struktuur vir deurlopende verbetering en die stap vir stap statistiese metodiek. Die doel van enige Six Sigma verbeterings inspanning, is om 'n langtermyn defekgraad van net 3.4 defektiewe parte per miljoen vervaardig, te verkry. Lean en Six Sigma is onlangse ontwikkelings in deurlopende verbeteringsmetodiek, wat populer gemaak is deur verskeie hoe profiel maatskappye. Die sukses en komplimerende karakter van hierdie metodiekke het gelei tot die kombinasie van 'n enkel metodiek, algemeen bekend as Lean Six Sigma (LSS). Alhoewel daar aansienlike literatuur beskikbaar is, bestaan daar min gepubliseerde navorsingstukke wat die praktiese implementering van LSS deur maatskappye aanspreek. Om 'n Lean Six Sigma implementering strategie vir MCG Industries te formuleer is gefokus op navorsing wat die navorsingvraagstuk: Hoekom en waarom is sekere implementerings van LSS suksesvol of onsuksesvol?". Om hierdie vraag te beantwoord ondersoek die navorser die implementeringsprosesse van organisasies deur middel van die volgende navorsingvraagstukke: - Hoe is LSS ontplooi en geimplementeer in organisasies? - Wat is die hindernisse tot LSS ontplooiing en hoe word dit oorbrug? - Watter uitdagings word ondervind met die implementering van LSS en hoe word dit oorbrug? Die ondersoek bevraagteken verdere gefokusde navorsingvraagstukke en identifiseer verskeie faktore wat skynbaar 'n betekenisvolle bydrae lewer tot suksesvolle implementering; hierdie faktore is: -Samesmelting van besigheidstrategie met deurlopende verbeteringstrategie -Leierskapvertroue en betrokkenheid in die ontplooiing en implementerings prosesse -Die gebruik van bekwame en ervare konsultante -'n Gedefineerde organisasiemodel en infrastruktuur wat gekoppel word aan deurlopende verbeteringsinstelling deur middel van 'n prestasiemetingstelsel en senior leierskap -Bepaalde en gestandaardiseerde personeel seleksie kriteria. Die navorsing doel is om MCG Industries behulpsaam te wees met die struktuur van 'n deurlopende verbeteringsprogram wat vermindering of eliminasie van negatiewe uitwerkings, veroorsaak deur ontplooiings hindernisse en implementerings uitdagings.
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