Vervreemdingstegnieke in Gert Vlok Nel se digbundel Om te lewe is onnatuurlik

Autor: Le Roux, Christiaan Johannes
Rok vydání: 1998
Druh dokumentu: Diplomová práce
Popis: Thesis (MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 1998.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis the techniques of defamiliarisation in Gert Vlok Nel's Om te lewe is onnatuurlik (1993) are investigated, especially with the aid of the Russian Formalist concept ostranenie. The introductory chapter expounds the theoretical basis. With reference to some reviews the question is investigated whether the volume can be regarded as worker poetry. After this follows an explanation of the concept ostranenie as understood by the Formalists, especially Victor Shklovsky, and of the concept Verfremdungseffekt as formulated by Bertolt Brecht. These concepts are then compared with the postmodemist notion of de-naturalization as used by, for example, Linda Hutcheon. In addition to Formalist theory other theories will be used in an eclectic fashion: semiostructuralism (Mikhail Bakhtin and Michael Riffaterre), reception theory (Wolfgang Iser) and psychoanalysis (Harold Bloom). Because om te lewe is onnatuurlik was created in postmodemity, the theoretical approach is also predominantly of a poetmodern nature. In the practical part of the thesis seven poems are discussed in order to highlight the principal techniques of defamiliarisation in each one: the use of ellipses and parody ("die dag toe hulle vir Donkie Viviers"); selfreflexivity and metafidional elements (desember & see"); childlike focalisation and register (soeklig" and "boggellug"); typographical experimentation ("landskap"); spatial relativation ("Rita" and "hillside") and retardation ("hillside").
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word ondersoek ingestel na die vervreemdingstegnieke in Gert Vlok Nel se bundel om te lewe is onnatuurlik (1993), veral met behulp van die Russiese Formalistiese teorie oor die begrip ostranenie. Die inleidende hoofstuk hied 'n uiteensetting van die teoretiese hegrollding. Met verwysing na enkele resensies word daar eerstens ondersoek of die bundel as werkerspoosie beskou kan word. Hierna volg 'n uiteensetting van die konsep ostranenie soos gehanteer deur die Formaliste, veral Viktor Sklovsky, en van die konsep Verfremdungseffekt, soos geformuleer deur Bertolt Brecht. Hierdie begrippe word dan vergelyk met die postmodernietiese begrip de-naturalisasie soos gebruik deur byvoorbeeld Linda Hutcheon. Naas die Formalistiese teorie word ander teoriee op eklektiese wyee in hierdie .tudie betrek: die semio-strukturalisme (Mikhail Bakhtin en Michael Riffaterre), resepsieteorie (Wolfgang Iser) en psigo-analise (Harold Bloom). Omdat die bundel om lewe is onnatuurlik in die post· moclemiteit geskep is, is die invalshoek hoofsaaklik p08tmodernisties van aard. In diepraktiese deel van die tesis word &ewe gedigte bespreek ten einde die belangrikste vervreemdingstegnieke in elk uit te lig: die gebruik van ellipee en parodiering ('"die dag toe hulle vir Donkie Viviers'); selfrefieksie en metapoitiese elemente ("desember & see"); kinderlike fokalisering en register reoeklig" en "boggellug"); tipografiese eksperimentering ("landskap"); ruimtelike relativering ("Rita" en ··hillside");en vertraging ("hillside").
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations