Good project governance : how corporate governance influences the field of project management

Autor: Van Zyl, Corne
Rok vydání: 2008
Druh dokumentu: Diplomová práce
Popis: Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With the collapse of large multi-national companies such as Enron early in the new millennium, the focus on corporate governance increased due to stakeholders and shareholders alike demanding more protection of their interests. Countries across the world developed codes and acts such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 in the USA, in order to establish some form of enforceable governance on publicly listed companies. In South Africa likewise the King II report on corporate governance was published in 2002. Corporate governance provides protection to stakeholders, internal and external, by focusing on the accuracy and transparency of the information published by companies, reporting the financial well-being of the company by providing projected cash flows, the responsibility and accountability of executives towards stakeholders, and also on the management of risk. Projects and project management play a major role in most companies and can have a significant effect on its cash flow, risk and reporting, and therefore corporate governance can have a marked impact on how projects could, or should be managed. This can be seen as project governance, a subset of the overall governance strategy of the company. To date not much research has been done on how governance influences projects and what is to be considered 'good project governance'. Apart from some smaller project management consulting firms, the Association for Project Management (APM) in the UK is the only one to have done some work of real importance in this area with the establishment of their 11 principles for effective project governance. In this research report the focus is on how projects are influenced by corporate governance by analysing aspects such as planning, reporting, risk management and project audits. The benefits which good project governance hold for a company, besides the protection of its stakeholder's interests, is also examined. Lastly guidelines are established for effective project governance by studying existing models, such as that created by the APM, as well as the King II report on corporate governance to try and make it more relevant to conditions in South Africa.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die ineenstorting van groot multinasionale instellings soos Enron vroeg in die nuwe eeu, is daar toenemend gefokus op korporatiewe beheer, omdat beide belanghebbers en aandeelhouers aangedring het op groter beskerming van hul belange. Lande wereldwyd het kodes en wette ontwikkel. soos die Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002) in die VSA, ten einde een of ander vorm van afdwingbare beheer op openbaargenoteerde maatskappye daar te stel. In Suid-Afrika ingelyks is die King II verslag oor korporatiewe beheer in 2002 gepubliseer. Korporatiewe beheer verleen beskerming aan belanghebbers, intern sowel as ekstern, deur te fokus op akkurate en deursigtige inligting wat maatskappye bekend maak, verslae oor die finansiele welstand van maatskappye deur middel van geprojekteerde kontantvloei, verantwoordelikheid en aanspreeklikheid van uitvoerende beamptes teenoor belanghebbers, asook duidelikheid oor risikobestuur. Projekte en projekbestuur speel 'n belangrike rol in die oorgrote meerderheid maatskappye en kan 'n beduidende uitwerking he op kontantvloei, risiko en verslagdoening. Juis weens hierdie oorwegings kan korporatiewe beheer 'n aanmerklike impak he op die wyse waarop projekte bestuur, of behoort bestuur te word. Dit kan beskou word as projekbeheer, 'n onderafdeling van die oorkoepelende beheerstrategie van 'n maatskappy. Min navorsing is nog gedoen oor die invloed van beheer op projekte, asook wat beskou kan word as 'goeie projekbeheer'. Afgesien van enkele kleiner projekbeheer konsultantmaatskappye, is die Association for Project Management (APM) in Brittanje die enigste wat werklik substantiewe leiding op hierdie terrein gebied het, soos blyk uit hul ontwikkeling van 11 beginsels vir doeltreffende projekbeheer. In hierdie navorsingsverslag word gefokus op hoe projekte beinvloed word deur korporatiewe beheer, deur kwessies soos beplanning, veslagdoening, risikobestuur en projekouditte te analiseer. Voordele wat goeie projekbeheer vir 'n maatskappy inhou, naas beskerming van belanghebbers se belange, word eweneens ondersoek. Enkele riglyne word laastens ontwikkel vir doeltreffende projekbeheer, deur bestaande modelle te bestudeer, soos die van APM en die King II verslag oor korporatiewe beheer, om dit meer relevant te maak vir Suid-Afrikaanse toestande.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations