Antioxidant intake in paediatric oncology patients

Autor: Slegtenhorst, Sonja
Rok vydání: 2011
Druh dokumentu: Diplomová práce
Popis: Thesis (MNutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2011.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: The role of antioxidants and adequate nutrition in the prevention and course of cancer treatment is globally recognised in nullifying the effects of free radicals and increasing the nutritional status of children during treatment. Objective: To investigate whether children with cancer meet their Dietary Reference Values and Safe Intakes for antioxidants, energy and protein. Design: Single centre prospective study. Setting: Children were recruited from the East of England Primary Treatment Centre using convenience sampling over 8 months. Forty-two children and adolescents diagnosed with a Solid tumour, Lymphoma or Leukaemia were eligible for data analysis (n=20 male; n=22 female). Method: Data was collected with an Estimated Food Record (EFR) in the 1st (EFR1) and 3rd month (EFR2) post-diagnosis. In the week following EFR completion, parents and/or children were contacted to complete four non-consecutive days of 24-hr food recalls. Data was categorised into diet alone, diet + food supplement (FS), tube feeding (tube) or diet + multi-vitamin-mineral supplementation (VMS). Malnutrition was determined by weight-for-age z-scores. Nutrient intake was compared to the Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI), the Estimated Average Requirements (EAR) and the Lower Recommended Nutrient Intake (LRNI). Result: The sample consisted of 33% (n=14) diagnosed with Leukaemia, 24% (n=10) with Lymphoma and 43% (n=18) with Solid tumours. Sixty seven percent (n=28) underwent chemotherapy and 33% (n=14) a combination of therapies. Significant correlations were seen between the assessment tools in the diet alone category for both months for; vitamins A, C, E, selenium and protein and for EFR1 for zinc and energy. In both months greater numbers of children achieved ≥100% of requirements for diet + VMS (EFR 1; p
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Die rol van anti-oksidante en voldoende voeding in die voorkoming en verloop van kanker behandeling word wêreldwyd erken vir vernietiging van die effek van vry radikale en die verbetering van voedingstatus van kinders tydens behandeling. Doelwit: Om ondersoek in te stel of kinders met kanker hul Dieet Verwysingswaardes en Veilige Innames vir anti-oksidante, energie en proteïen bereik. Ontwerp: Enkel sentrum prospektiewe studie. Omgewing: Kinders was gewerf deur middel van gerieflikheidsteekproefneming oor 8 maande vanaf die “East of England Primary Treatment Centre”. Twee-en-veertig kinders en adolessente gediagnoseer met 'n Soliede tumor, Limfoom of Leukemie het in aanmerking gekom vir dataanalise (n=20 manlik, n=22 vroulik). Metode: Data was ingesamel met ‘n Geskatte Voedsel Rekord (GVR) in die eerste (GVR1) en derde maand (GVR2) na diagnose. In die week na voltooiing van die GVR is ouers en/of kinders gekontak om vier onopeenvolgende dae van 24-uur herroepe te voltooi. Data was verdeel in dieet alleen, dieet + voedsel supplement (VS), buisvoeding (buis) of dieet + multi-vitamien-mineraal supplementasie (VMS). Wanvoeding was bepaal deur middel van gewig-vir-ouderdom z-tellings. Nutriënt inname was vergelyk met die Aanbevole Nutriënt Inname (ANI), die Geskatte Gemiddelde Behoeftes (GGB) en die Laer Aanbevole Nutriënt Inname (LANI). Resultate: Die steekproef het bestaan uit 33% (n=14) gediagnoseer met Leukemie, 24% (n=10) Limfoom en 43% (n=18) Soliede tumore. Sewe-en-sestig persent (n=28) het chemoterapie ontvang en 33% (n=14) ‘n kombinasie van terapieë. Betekenisvolle korrelasies was waargeneem tussen die assesseringsinstrumente in die dieet alleen kategorie vir beide maande vir vitamiene A, C, E, selenium en proteïen en vir GVR1 ook vir sink en energie. In beide maande het ‘n groter aantal kinders ≥100% van hul behoeftes bereik vr dieet+VMS (GVR1; p
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