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Plant species moved beyond their natural ranges may be liberated into enemy-free spaces, where they increase resource allocation to fitness, rather than defence against natural enemies, and become invasive as suggested by the Evolution of Increased Competitive Ability (EICA) Hypothesis. Several cacti are notable invaders and are targeted for biological control. The leafy cactus, Pereskia aculeata Miller, introduced into South Africa from South America, has become a target for biological control after becoming invasive. The absence of natural enemies of P. aculeata in the introduced range may be the reason for its invasiveness. This thesis seeks to investigate the role of the evolution of increased competitive ability (enemy release) as the probable driver of P. aculeata’s success, and ascertain how the plant’s intraspecific variation influences the impact, fitness of, and preference by its biological control agent, Catorhintha schaffneri Brailovsky and Garcia (Coreidae), in South Africa. Enemy release and evolution of traits in P. aculeata were examined by quantifying plant growth parameters of fifteen genotypes of P. aculeata from both the native and invaded distribution of the plant. Ten genotypes of P. aculeata were used in testing the effect of agent herbivory (impact and damage) under similar conditions. These studies indicated that most invaded-range genotypes were more vigorous than the native genotypes. Rapid growth may account for the quick access of invasive genotypes of P. aculeata to tree canopies. Catorhintha schaffneri damage varied between genotypes but differences in the damage and impact from the agent could not be explained by whether the plant originated in the introduced or native distribution. In sum, while the growth of the invasive genotypes largely conforms to the EICA hypothesis, the impact of C. schaffneri did not support the hypothesis. The influence of host variation in P. aculeata on the fitness of C. schaffneri within the context of local adaptation to plant genotypes from different localities was tested using agent survival, stage-specific and total developmental time, and the extent of damage to ten host genotypes. Maw’s Host Suitability Index (HIS) and Dobie’s Susceptibility Index (DSI) showed the preference by and performance of C. schaffneri on the different genotypes of the plant. Catorhintha schaffneri survived to the adult stage on 70% of genotypes tested. Evidence consistent with the assumption that C. schaffneri would be fitter on the native genotypes than the invasive genotypes due to local adaptation was not found. In addition, there was no evidence in support of fitter agents on the invasive genotypes than on the native genotypes as proposed by EICA hypothesis. Catorhintha schaffneri developed equally well on the invasive genotypes of P. aculeata as on the native genotypes. To establish whether host variation would affect diet selection by C. schaffneri, both nymphs and adults were examined in paired-choice and multiple-choice trials. The nymphs and adults chose their hosts regardless of host genotype differences. The agent may be good at selecting good succulent shoots from bad shoots, but is incapable of distinguishing a good host genotype from a poorer one. This thesis shows, therefore, that P. aculeata and its array of genotypes in South Africa could be effectively controlled by C. schaffneri, as it has the potential to suitably utilise and impact the different genotypes of the weed in South Africa with neither any demonstrable preference nor local adaptation for the native genotypes. Consequently, the use of C. schaffneri, as a biological control agent in the weed biological control programme of P. aculeata remains promising, as the agent is insensitive to the intraspecific variation of the invasive host plants. |