Popis: |
Non-formal Adult Education (Popular Education or Community-Based Education) in Latin America and in Chile has been developed throughout different types of educational interventions. The aims of those programmes are related to the living conditions of the poor. One of the them are the Learning Workshops which intends to put into practice an educational strategy for overcoming the school failure of children from popular sectors with the help of community educators. The educators of young people who live in the neighbourhood and participate without receiving remuneration. After ten years the achievements of the programme are analysed. The central concern of this research is to identify which factors in a non-formal programme such as the Learning Workshops are crucial to its success and which have been its obstacles. Likewise, it wishes to consider what might be called emerging factors of those that have generated effects unforeseen in the initial proposal. In order to deal with the above problem three main areas of action of the programme have been identified. The children who have been helped to overcome their school failure. The community-based educators who work with the groups of children and deal with other problems within their communities; and specifically, the training process involved. The management of the programme by local community. This thesis uses a qualitative case-study design aimed at ex-post-factum identification of factors affecting the development of the Learning Workshops. A theoretical analysis is made regarding the programme and its possible improvement. Also beyond this immediate usefulness for the programme as it exists, the answer to the research questions could throw light on the possibilities for extending the programme to other locations with similar characteristics. The study encompasses a specific period of development of the Learning Workshops between 1978 and 1986 in four geographical locations of Chile: Paipote in the northern part of Chile, Cerro Los Placeres in the city of Valpara= iso, Pudahuel in the city of Santiago located in the Area Metropolitan (Metropolitan Area), and Curanilahue around the southern city of Concepció. |