Exploring creativity in physical interface design

Autor: Short, Benjamin William
Rok vydání: 2008
Druh dokumentu: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Popis: A dual methodological approach was adopted to investigate the effects of constraint upon creative product while using a physical interface toolkit. A longitudinal design study was carried out and found a persistence of ideas from the initial design task. In addition to this an action-oriented bias was found in the use of the toolkit. Experimental studies replicated Finke's (1990) finding that the use of a preinventive form may influence creative product. Presence of preinventive form in conjunction with constraint of form and a taxonomic category was found to significantly increase originality while leaving practicality unaffected. Verbal protocols of a design task using physical interface devices were gathered and were found to reflect the action- oriented bias seen in the design study. A final study into the effect of different dimensions of constraint upon a short design task using descriptions of physical interface toolkit items found that originality may be raised both by constraint in the form of taxonomic categorical instruction and goal-directed categorical instruction and that these gains in originality appear to be additive. However the introduction of a goal-directed categorical instruction resulted in a significant reduction in practicality ratings.
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