In vitro properties of novel root canal filling materials

Autor: Hammad, Mohammad
Rok vydání: 2009
Druh dokumentu: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Popis: The three dimensional obturation of root canals is vital and cannot be overstated. The attainment of a fluid-tight seal in a root canal system is very important for the longterm success of endodontic treatment. A number of different materials have been used for obturation. Gutta percha is the most common root filling material in use today. It is used as the core material in combination with sealers of different compositions. Despite gutta percha has enjoyed a long history of use and his success rate; it does not offer all of the properties of an ideal root canal filling materials. New root canal filling materials have been developed. These include resin-based (EndoRez and RealSeal systems) and silicone-based (Guttaflow') filling materials. This study aimed to investigate properties of these new root canal filling materials and compare it to gutta percha and a zinc oxide based sealer (TubliSeal).
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations