The Royal Commission on Trade Unions and Employers' Associations, 1965-1968 : An Analysis of a Royal Commission as an Instrument for Public Policy Making

Autor: Derbyshire, J. D.
Rok vydání: 1976
Druh dokumentu: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Popis: The purpose of this dissertation is to examine tbe use of royal commissions as instruments for public policy making by undertaking a study in depth of one particular commission. The Royal Commission on Trade Unions and Employers' Associations, which sat between 1965 to 1968, has been chosen because it was given the task of looking at a particularly contentious area of policy making, and because it still retains a contemporary significance and yet is sufficiently distant to allow an objective analysis of it to be made. Its origtas, terms of reference, membership andmethods of work, have been studied as well as the evidence submitted to it and the research it commissioned. An examination has also been made of relevant events subsequent to its Report, and of evaluations made of its work by different people. It has also been possible to discuss many aspects of the Commission with most of the members who served on it. On the basis of these studies the work of the Commission hasibeen evaluated, using as a criterion the success it had in providing a set of proposals acceptable for implementation as public policies. The experience of this one commission has also been applied to royal commissions in general and certain propositlons popularly made about them have been tested. Finally, it has been possible to draw conclusLons about the uses and misuses of royal commissions by goyernments and it is hoped that these conclustons may be thought to have a general applicability.
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