Revegetation of Retired Farmland: Evaluation of Six Range Grasses Under Three Irrigation Regimes

Autor: Thacker, Gary W., Cox, Jerry R.
Rok vydání: 1990
Druh dokumentu: Článek
Popis: In July of 1986 and 1987, we seeded bufelgrass, kleingrass, 'Catalina' lovegrass, "Cochise" lovegrass, bottlebrush, and sideoats grama grass on retired farmland in the Avra Valley west of Tucson. We seeded these grasses under three irrigation regimes: no establishment irrigation, two establishment irrigations, and four establishment irrigations. Establishment irrigations significantly increased the forage production of the grasses in the first two years of the 1986 planting and in the first year of the 1987 planting. Buffelgrass, kleingrass, and the lovegrasses appear to be promising species for vegetative cover on retired farmland.
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