Old Stuff, New Tricks: How Archivists Are Making Special Collections Even More Special Using Web 2.0 Technologies

Autor: Green, Jean L. Root, Lacher-Feldman, Jessica, Matienzo, Mark A., Schindler, Amy C.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Druh dokumentu: Presentation
Popis: Presentation given as a roundtable at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association in New York, NY. Session sponsored by the American Association for History and Computing.
A panel of trained archivists will discuss the use the spectrum of Web 2.0 tools and innovation as how it creates mechanisms to promote the access and use of archival and rare materials. They will discuss their own innovations in their own repositories, and some of the successful projects and tools being used today, as well as discussing the potential for creative collaboration between historians and archivists in academe using Web 2.0 tools and resources.
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