The Employers' Opinions on Navajo Student Employees During the Summer of 1954

Autor: Christiansen, William V.
Zdroj: All Graduate Theses and Dissertations.
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: The Intermountain School started in January of 1950, being converted from vacated arm hospital to a boarding school for Navajo students. Funds for the support of the school are appropriated by Congress through the Department of Interior and the Indian Bureau. The school is exclusively for Navajo students, and it grew as fast as facilities were remodeled and new buildings were constructed, until capacity was reached. During the first school year, 1950, there were enrolled 503 students. This has increased each succeeding year until capacity was reached in 1954-55 when 2,311 students were enrolled. The staff of the school has increased proportionally with the student body. At the time of this writing, school year 1954-55, there are 445 staff members. These include personnel for administration, supervision, instruction, guidance, accounting, health, food and clothing, custodian service, protective service and maintenance.
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