Nocturnal Emissions: A Comparative Study of Male Experiences and Reactions

Autor: Mathews, Barbara Shrively
Zdroj: All Graduate Theses and Dissertations.
Druh dokumentu: text
Popis: This exploratory study examined the differences between ma les who have and ma les who have not experienced nocturnal emissions. There were 104 males between the ages of 18 to 41 who participated by completing a sexuality pretest and a nocturnal emissions questionnaire. The respondents' information and education about sexuality, reactions to nocturnal emission ejaculation or the lack of ejacu l ation, dream frequency levels of nocturnal emissions, and the effect of other sexual outlets upon the freq uen cy of nocturnal emissions were assessed. Results revealed that in this sample the males who did not experience nocturnal emissions had received less sexual information than ma l es who experienced nocturnal emissions.
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