Förberedelse för kris : Beredskapsplaneringen och informationssäkerheten inom Sveriges kommunarkiv

Autor: Westerberg, Sophia
Jazyk: švédština
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: The focus of this thesis is to study readiness planning and information security within Sweden's municipal archives. How the extent of emergency planning and information security work within the municipal archives. Due to the many conflicts in the world at the moment, readiness planning and information security has become more important for the institutions handling information on a daily basis. With the aid from semi structured interviews the study aims to understand and see what the archivists working in municipal archives think about these subjects, what they think should be done to evolve readiness planning and information security within Sweden’s municipal archives. When a crisis hits it is important to know how to act and the next step to minimize the damage, in this case the loss of important information. The result of the study shows multiple factors at work that affects the on-going work with readiness planning and information security. Many of the archivists are worried about the long-term preservation of the information stored in the municipal archives, they recognize the responsibility they have over the information, one mistake on their or someone else’s part could lead to the loss of that information. Especially with digital information, that needs expertise handling. The archivists also shared that the workload affects their work with readiness planning and working with information security. They argued that they don’t have enough resources for developing a plan for the archive. I hope with this essay to enlighten the importance of having a plan when the unthinkable occurs.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations