Consequences of new sources of supply on wood fuel prices

Autor: Dahlberg, Anders
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2010
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: The use of wood fuels in Western Europeis growing rapidly each year. The co-firing of wood fuel in coal- fired powerplants to reduce CO2 emissions makes thedemand accelerate even more and astrained supply could be a reality in anear future. Regions as Canada andNorth-West Russia have large biomasspotentials and small internal marketsfor wood fuels. In Canada the wood fuelindustry is rather developed but inRussia the case is the contrary.However, Russia has the advantage of amuch shorter distance to the largeWestern European market than Canada.Could a larger import of wood fuels fromthese countries prevent a possiblesupply strain in the European market inthe future and is this scenariorealistic?The thesis have two purposes where thefirst, to make an overview of theavailable biomass resources in Canadaand Russia, is a part of the EUBIONETIII project. The second objective hasbeen to examine the possibility of alarger import of wood fuels from Russiaand Canada.The results presented in the thesis arebased on literature studies as well as aquestionnaire survey conducted in bothSweden and Denmark. Interviews were alsoconducted with actors in Swedenregarding wood fuel trade.The results are mainly that there arelarge resources available in both Canadaand Russia but various barriers makesthe wood fuel more or less accessible.In the case of Russia bad harbors andcorruption seem to be the largestobstacles for European importers of woodfuel. The wood pellet industry is alsoimmature compared to Canada. In the caseof Canada the distance to Europe and thedependence of freight rates for economicsuccessful import of wood fuel seem tobe the largest barrier.
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