Morgondagens digitala kreatörer : En intervjustudie om artificiell intelligens och dess påverkan på professionellt digitalt kreativt arbete

Autor: Back, Alexander, Yazdani Koshaksarai, Anton
Jazyk: švédština
Rok vydání: 2021
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: We are living in a time of massive technological innovation within Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning. This new undergoing process is likely to have a considerable effect on the creative sphere. The increased integration of AI in different industries is met with varying opinions. It gives rise to excitement amongst some, while others worry that their jobs will soon be obsolete. In this paper we examine how the evolving technology in AI is impacting the digital creative work. The study’s research method is qualitative. The data has been collected by conducting interviews with professionals in the creative industry and by literature reviews, which later have been analyzed. The findings show that the creative industry is going to see a change in the workflow because of streamlining and new creative possibilities, with the developing of AI-tools. The implementation of AI in the creative industries is going to automize some tasks but might also create new jobs in the process.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations