Djurskyddshjärtat : Föreställningar om djur och människor i Ester Blenda Nordströms 'En piga bland pigor' och 'Kåtornas folk

Autor: Lundborg Eman, Elin
Jazyk: švédština
Rok vydání: 2021
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: This thesis set out to study the concept of non-human animals in En piga bland pigor (1914)and Kåtornas folk (1916) by the journalist and author Ester Blenda Nordström (1891-1948).By contextualizing contemporary views and ideas of non-human animals by the turn of the20th century, the conceptions are analyzed through different societal perspectives. How is themeeting between Nordström, as an emancipated upper-class woman, and the marginalisedgroups of people depicted in the books affecting her view of the non-human animals? Thisquestion originates from the understanding that the presence of non-human animals inhistorical material testifies not only of hierarchical relations and cultural notions but above allit shows something about humans. That is why this thesis uses contemporary ideas of animalwelfare, gender and hygiene to understand the intersectional connection between theconceptions of humans and animals. The study shows an ambivalence in the way of viewinghumans and animals, where expressed feelings of compassion are used both as a way ofindicating that the rights of exposed groups in society should be defended and at the sametime as a way of reinforcing boundaries. Boundaries between different groups of people,classes, humans and animals.
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