KNOWLEDGE COPRODUCTION IN DISCOGS MUSIC DATABASE : A study of the motivations behind a crowdsourced online discography

Autor: Sicilia, Maria
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: Discogs is a crowdsourced online discography that has become one the largest music databases and marketplace used by collectors and enthusiasts. To learn about what motivates Discogs community users to contribute, the answers provided by the respondents(n=135) to an online survey with Likert-scaled items measuring different types of motivations and some open-ended questions were analysed. The results suggested that Discogs contributors are primarily driven by altruistic reasons (intrinsic motivation) followed by pragmatism (extrinsic motivation). While sellers contributed to the database mostly to sell in the Marketplace, they were equally motivated by intrinsic factors, with similar rates to respondents who did not have economic interests in the website. Open-ended questions indicated that conflicts with other users could decrease the motivation to contribute. In addition, respondents revealed that during their trajectory ascontributors, intrinsic motivation increased over time. Also, experience and expertise were the reasons why some contributors had roles recognised by other members in the Discogs community
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations