An exploratory study of health professionals' attitudes about robotic telepresence technology

Autor: Kristoffersson, Annica, Coradeschi, Silvia, Loutfi, Amy, Severinson Eklundh, Kerstin
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Druh dokumentu: Článek
DOI: 10.1080/15228835.2011.639509
Popis: This article presents the results from a video-based evaluation study of a social robotic telepresence solution for elderly. The evaluated system is a mobile teleoperated robot called Giraff that allows caregivers to virtually enter a home and conduct a natural visit just as if they were physically there. The evaluation focuses on the perspectives from primary healthcare organizations and collects the feedback from different categories of health professionals. The evaluation included 150 participants and yielded unexpected results with respect to the acceptance of the Giraff system. In particular, greater exposure to technology did not necessarily increase acceptance and large variances occurred between the categories of health professionals. In addition to outlining the results, this study provides a number of indications with respect to increasing acceptance for technology for elderly.
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