Heder ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv : En systematisk litteraturstudie kring hedern ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv

Autor: Al-Shimmari, Abdullah
Jazyk: švédština
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: The purpose of this study has been to understand and theorize the phenomenon of honor andhonor-systems. Honor-systems has been a widely discussed theme by different outsources.Throughout the last 20 years there has been many cases of murders rooted in the preservationof one’s honor and reputation. To understand the different factors behind honor-system,relevant theories have been carefully selected to fit the theme and direction of this study. Thechoice of method for this paper has been a qualitative literature study where the author hasexamined previous papers, reports, and other relevant studies to get an understanding of thesubject. Then the result was analyzed by two theories, a cultural theory, and a theory ofintersectionality. While researching the subject of honor-system, it has become clear that thefield of honor-systems is a researched field, there are multiple reports on the matter. Insummary the result showed that in honor-systems the biggest victim is often, women as theyare both the victim of violence and control and as the same time perpetrators. In differentcultures there are different expectations on females and males, and in in honor-systems thesystem is run as a patriarchal one. There were some key differences between the two theorieswhen trying to understand honor-systems and especially when trying to understand a culturesimpact on the individual. It has become clear that the systems of honor affect many people insociety.
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