LibraryThing for Libraries : Vilken inverkan har urval och mängdbegränsning på taggmolnen?

Autor: Johansson, Sandra
Jazyk: švédština
Rok vydání: 2018
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: The aim of this bachelor thesis is to study and analyze the impact of LibraryThing's tagmoderation process and tag cloud limits in the library catalog, and assess the differencesbetween tags on their web page and tags in “LibraryThing for Libraries”.Communication with personnel on LibraryThing regarding their moderation processwas established, and the results were then compared with the collected data in thisstudy. Tags from 20 different books, collected from 2 different library catalogs, onewith a tag limit of 15 and one with 25, and from LibraryThing's web page werecollected and analyzed. The theoretical framework of the thesis was based on J. T.Tennis, and the data were organized using a modified version of Golder & Huberman'sseven different functions found in tags (2006).The results show that LibraryThing's claim that they only remove the inherentlypersonal tags are only partially true, since some other kinds of tags have disappeared aswell. In some cases a certain concept has been included in one book and excluded inanother. Tags concerning opinions or attributes of a book, have often been excluded,these could however serve as valuable forms of recommendations to other people,despite their personal context. The comparison between the library tag clouds limited toeither 15 or 25 tags suggested that tag clouds with an increased number of tags gave amore pronounced picture regarding the contents of the book. However, the number ofproblematic tags with synonymous or redundant information also increased when thesize of the library tag cloud grew.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations