Utredning om ökad tillgänglighet och säkerhet för resenärer vid järnvägsstationer på mindre orter : En undersökning med en fallstudie i Fagersta som inkluderar resenärers och ansvariga aktörers syn på stationsmiljöer samt samarbetet mellan aktörerna

Autor: Jegenberg, Minna, Lundström, Kristina
Jazyk: švédština
Rok vydání: 2019
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: To increase the use of public transport and to increase the safety for the travelers, two aspects thatare included in the goals regarding the Swedish transport system, the design of railway stations isimportant. When planning stations, many stakeholders are involved and therefore there is a risk thatproblems may occur, especially in smaller municipalities where there might be a lack of resources.Moreover, it is the travelers’ needs that should be in focus when planning stations.This thesis was carried out with the objective to investigate measures to solve problems regardingthe travelers’ accessibility and safety at railway stations in Sweden. In addition, problems that mightoccur due to that many stakeholders are responsible for the station environment and whether thetravelers’ needs are reflected in the planning were investigated. To fulfill the objective, a case studywas performed at two small railway stations: Fagersta centralstation and Fagersta Norra. The casestudy included visual inspections of the stations, surveys among the travelers and interviews withresponsible stakeholders and with experts in these subjects.In the interviews with the stakeholders, many problems with the stations are mentioned but fewmeasures are suggested. In comparison between the answers from the stakeholders and the experts,the experts identified additional problems and suggested other measures and they should thereforebe consulted when planning station environments. In addition, additional problems were observedduring the visual inspections, mainly concerning conflicts between different traffic modes whichcould be both accessibility and safety problems. Based on this, visual inspections should beperformed when planning stations to observe problems that otherwise are forgotten.To increase the safety and the accessibility at the stations in Fagersta, measures to decrease thenumber of conflicts and their severity through e.g. hinders for vehicles and reorganization of thestation area are recommended. In the survey, the travelers pointed out the perceived safety and thewaiting area as important aspects at the stations. Since both of these aspects are insufficient,measures to improve these, through e.g. improved lighting and shelters, should be prioritized.The stakeholders’ perception of the travelers’ needs varied both between the stations and thestakeholders. Also, since the experts have a different focus, they do not observe the travelers’ needswhich makes it important to involve the travelers to find their actual needs. The stakeholders thattake initiative to consult the travelers however do not handle the station environments which meansthat no traveler dialogues are held about this at smaller stations. However, no clear connectionbetween whether the stakeholders keep regular dialogues with the travelers and if they have a clearview of the travelers’ needs were found. One benefit with consulting the travelers when planningstations could be that the responsible stakeholders receive guidance in prioritizing measures.Moreover, the shared responsibility for the station environments do not lead to that any part of thestation is forgotten in the assessment. Problems may however arise when objects are located inbetween different responsibility areas. Finally, the cooperation between stakeholders variesdepending on who are involved, and more problems might occur if private property owners areinvolved. A reorganization that suggests that one stakeholder has an overall responsibility over thestation could decrease these problems. The stakeholders that handles the traffic are positive towardsthis type of reorganization and the stakeholders that have a larger responsibility at the stations didnot give their view on this. The question regarding a reorganization needs further investigation.Key words: Accessibility, safety, railway station, stakeholder, traveler, cooperationEnglish title: An investigation regarding increased accessibility and safety for travelers at railwaystations in smaller municipalities – An evaluation with a case study in Fagersta that includes travelers’and responsible stakeholders’ view of the stations and the cooperation between stakeholders
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