Covid-19 och studenters rörelsemönster. : En fallstudie om hur covid-19-pandemin har förändrat Karlstads universitets studentersrörelsemönster.

Autor: Hama Saeed, Ajar, Larsson, Karl Alvin
Jazyk: švédština
Rok vydání: 2021
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: This study is about how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed Karlstads University’s students’movement pattern. The study will review how the Corona pandemic has changed humans and its movementpatterns. It will go through the definition of movement patterns and the kind of movementpatterns there are; necessary, voluntary and social. The study will also go through whatmeans of transport are and what kind of means of transport there are available. The questionswe have chosen to investigate are about whether Karlstads University’s students’ movementpatterns and means of transport have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, from before2too during the pandemic. The research method chosen for the study is a quantitative methodin the form of a survey. This was researched by analyzing the survey that was sent or handedout to Karlstads University’s second-, third-, fourth- and fifth-year students, i.e. students whostudied before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The choice of means of transport has been shown to have a socio-economic factor, which isclarified with previous research. Other factors that affect the choice of means of transport andstudent’s movement patterns are fear and emotion-driven behaviors. The pandemic hasaffected public transport severely as other means of transport are preferred over buses ortrains. Students travel less on the necessary, voluntary and social trips. This leads to a reducedmovement pattern and that the students feel more isolated than they did before the pandemic. The study analysis demonstrates that the theory that something as influential as a pandemiccan change people’s movement patterns. This was seen mainly in the survey responses whereKarlstads University’s students showed a smaller movement pattern and a fear of travellingdue to the risk of infection spreading or falling ill. Another leading factor in the reducedmovement pattern for students is the Swedish Public Health Agency’s recommendationswhere they urge people to travel less if the journey is not necessary. The schools have movedto distance learning, which means that the students no longer need to be on site.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations