Produktutveckling av rullstol : för Gardermoens Airport

Autor: Holmgren, Helén, Nyström, Pär
Jazyk: švédština
Rok vydání: 2008
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: This degree project has been carried out by Helén Holmgren and Pär Nyström,students at the Innovation and Design Engineer programme at the Faculty ofTechnology and Science at Karlstad University. The project was carried out duringthe spring 2008 and extended over 15 weeks of full time studies, 22,5 ECTS for eachstudent.The assigner for this project was the Norwegian company Medema EasyTravel AS.The company’s main task today is to help individuals with different difficulties in andaround Gardermoen Airport. Orderer of the project has been Dag Bunaes at MedemaEasyTravel.Today Medema uses three different wheelchairs in their daily work. The studentsassignment were to develop and fabricate a prototype of a new wheelchair. The leadthinking thru out the project has been a design that is simple, robust and with a newtouch in the overall design.The goal for this project has been to fabricate a prototype and also show differentstyles how the wheelchair could look in its final appearance. At the end of this projectthe result will be presented at an exhibit at Karlstad University.A lot of the work that has been done around the project has involved sketching andbuilding models of all the different components of the wheelchair.The result from this project is a wheelchair that takes a step away from the traditionalwheelchair. You will be able to set your own touch to the design of the chair bychoosing different color and patterns for the cushions as well as for the back of thechair. One of the biggest advantages of the new wheelchair is that it offers theopportunity to stack more then one chair for transportation and storage in a niceconvenient way. This will especially come in interest for airports, hospitals andsimilar public areas.
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