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Purpose: The construction industry stands before a big change. Large parts of theindustry is getting digitalized and higher demands are put on buildings with highcomfortability, low energy need and with a low ecological footprint. Academiceducation is becoming more common to keep up with this development, which meansthat lots of people in supervisor roles lacks the practical experience that is consideredimportant. The purpose with this study is to find actions that can better prepare recentgraduates building engineers without the practical experience to the role as supervisor.Both during their studies and at the company they’ve received a position.Method: The method that has been used to answer the studies issues and eventuallyreach the study’s goal is semi-structured interviews, litterature studies and documentanalysis. The interviews has been done in cooperation with Peab and ex-students fromthe building engineering program at Jönköpings Technical University.Findings: The analysis clarifies that there is a high demand for the individual that worksas a supervisor, you learn many things during school, and you learn even more whileworking. The respondents noted during the interview that the more practical parts youcan have during school the better. This is supported by that the professional workersmight have it hard to feel a belonging to a supervisor that lacks practical experience.Both during the empirical part and the theoretical framework the view on if supervisorswith only theoretical experience are fit for the role differentiates. Some believe that thepersonality has a larger meaning than experience and others believe that it’s hard toadjust the supervisor roll regarding a university degree because it’s about practicalwork.Implications: Conclusions that can be made by the study that it would be beneficialduring school to have more practical parts to be shown, either through virtual visits ata construction site or through more laboratory work. It is recommended that as a newlyeducated supervisor to be able to spend time with professional workers to learn aboutcommon terms and work methods. It is also recommended for the companies to providea mentor to assist and guide the newly educated supervisor.Limitations: The interviewed students have solely been students from JönköpingsTechnical University. This might entail that if the same method had been used withstudents from other schools the result might be different. Same goes for the moreexperienced supervisors that’s been interviewed. All of them work for the companyPeab, if the same interviews would be done with another company there’s a risk thatthe outcome would be different.The rest of the limitations that has been done will with great probability not affect thestudy's results. Because the studies interviews are greatly about personal impressionsthe result might differ from person to person, but the big picture over the subject wouldremain the same.Keywords: The supervisor role in the construction industry, civil engineeringeducation, practical and theoretical background of the supervisor, lack of knowledge ina supervisor. |