Startup Fever: The Development and Evolution of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem–A Case Study on the Taipei Metropolitan Area

Autor: Hung-Chun Lin, 林宏駿
Rok vydání: 2019
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 107
The research of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (EE) has attracted attention in recent years with the rise of the global entrepreneurship boom. However, because of the complexity of the multi-dimensions in entrepreneurship research involved, current EE researches often have problems with over static-analysis, normative guidelines without context, and tautology in the way of Silicon Valley. Therefore, the study takes an evolutionary approach and institutional analysis in Taipei EE developments in the past 20 years as the case. Since 2015, it started through literature and historical document review, dozens of interviews, startup events, and meetings with a dynamic perspective of view to attempt to understand the evolutionary development mechanism, interaction, and influence among actors in the local ecosystem. Thus, the significant findings are as follows. First, after the early-stage investment activities sliding down sharply after the millennium year due to the cancellation of the investment tax deductions policy, the public budgets timely complemented to support of the entrepreneurial milieu. However, When the government confronts industry-promotion uncertainty and regulatory restrictions, the incubator institutions incrementally substitute to assist startups in the front line for simultaneously achieving the missions from the government and investors. Second, to ease the risk of the programs to assist startups, since 2010, the local incubators changed the business model from the long-term incubation to the short-term accelerator model which is learned from Y Combinator to help startups by pitch training, business development, and fundraising. The way accelerated the consumption cycle of the local startups with following up on the quality and quantity problem. To resolve the scarce, the incubation institutions mutually collaborate and introduce more Startups and entrepreneurs to each other. Third, recently as these startup program actors gradually accumulated the capacities of the global connection, exhibition, curation, and investment experience, differentiation and re-mediation were emerging and facilitated the incubation service network with diverse professionals. In the spring of 2014, since the Sunflower Student Movement occurred suddenly, the government afterward launched a large number of the entrepreneurial policies to benefit the young generation, ultimately produced more incubation players and institutions in the ecosystem. Consequently, the EE was expanded and diffused to other industries rapidly as collective actions mixed with technology buzzword hype, public initiatives, and social actions. Based on the results, the research follows in the evolutionary tradition and institutional theories as the foundation to analysis EE, the author generalizes three concepts to explain the evolutionary mechanism of EE: the adaptation to the uncertainty on the market boundary, the fast and scarce commodity of the startups, and the intermediary to maintain the advantage of transaction cost by the information asymmetry over the others, to conduct a dynamic evolutionary EE model as the theoretical contribution in the dissertation. The author also argues that the incubation programs, like the bio function of the gene, plays a critical role to the carriers, the intermediary institutions, make them acting like entrepreneurs to learn collaboratively and competitively with each other, and collectively maintain the EE milieu to fulfill the institutional functional and value locally. In conclusion, by considering the local development of the EE, we can learn the government collaborates with the intermediary institutions strategically to raise the volume of social capital by the infrastructure and service network to temporarily resolve the startup-fundraising problems. Besides, lately with the diverse development of these actors embedded into the system of the state’s governance, the local EE incubated the public awareness and local identity as a cross-border platform for exploring the innovative solution. Thus, the process of the institutional diffusion and transition has turned out to be an opportunity to continue the EE’s life cycle. Especially when the model of national champions is getting weak, but the risk keeps rising in the innovation and entrepreneurship of the digital era, the author argues that when those advance regions with substantial financial capital seems still too far for the latecomers to catch up, the evolution of the Taipei''s EE in the past 20 years would be a useful reference as a much practical model.
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