International Market Entry Modes of Automobile Parts Industry-Case Study of Automobile Parts Manufacturers in Central and Southern Taiwan

Autor: Chia-Jen Lin, 林佳蓁
Rok vydání: 2019
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 107
The main purpose of this thesis is about the market analysis of the automobile parts industry in Taiwan, realizing how company enter the global market and the reason why they want to become internationalization. The automobile parts industry in Taiwan mostly belong to small and medium sized enterprises, with complete supply chain, having the core competence of technology and the advantages of a small number of diverse and flexible manufacturing. Although auto parts manufacturing is the traditional industry, as the export rate increases gradually, Taiwan is accelerating the expansion in diverse aspects, such as auto parts integration, and the technical skills for smart cars. Under the obvious new international division of labor, the auto parts industry become more important and indispensable to global. With the improvement of capacity and the way of management, more company toward the goal like cooperate with international companies to join the global supply chain system, not only to enhance its core technology, but improve the quality, to add product value and brand visibility. Moreover, more people concern about the environmental issues in recent year. Some vehicle company with the concept of protect environment and sustainable development, start to use environmental friendly materials. In the future, there will be more automotive components moving towards electric power, intelligent, and development of system functions. The tendency become a new opportunity for auto parts factories in Taiwan, the quality of the product is well stable for traditional industry, and the R&D technology is constantly breaking through, the core competence of company maintain the competitive advantage of the industry in the global market. However, some previous studies have revealed some differences in the modes of entry international markets, there are more insights into different factors and strategies that affect the model choices from each company. Especially under the globalization, the static analysis is no enough for nowadays, with the competitive dynamics, the company use the feedback to re-organize and improve the strategy. Therefore, in this research, I will take eight auto-parts manufacturers in Taiwan as the case study. To understand no matter the traditional industries or a manufacturer of smart car-related parts, through the continuous feedback and explore the new strategies, it is a dynamic strategy process, although the pace is slow, there are still adjustable capabilities.
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