Practice Empowerment, Professional Autonomy, and Care Effectiveness of Nurse Practitioners: a National Study

Autor: WANG,CHIH-JOU, 王芷柔
Rok vydání: 2019
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 107
The nurse practitioner system has been implemented in Taiwan for 13 years and has played an important role in healthcare. Nursing literature has proved that the empowerment and professional autonomy of nursing personnel are significantly correlated with nursing outcomes. However, the duties, roles and codes of practice of nurses are different from those of nurse practitioners. There is limited research in Taiwan and other countries on the influence of the empowerment and professional autonomy of nurse practitioners on nursing outcomes. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the current state, correlations, and influencing factors of empowerment, professional autonomy, and nursing outcomes of nurse practitioners. Members of the Taiwan Association of Nurse Practitioners (TANP) with a nurse practitioner certificate and at least one year of experience as a nurse practitioner in acute clinical care units were selected as participants. The research instrument consisted of four components: basic information of the nurse practitioners, the Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire II (CWEQ II), the Dempster Practice Behaviours Scale (DPBS), and a nurse practitioner practice outcome scale. TANP members were informed about the study and invited to complete an online questionnaire via a public notice on the TANP website. Questionnaires were collected from 1st February 2019 to 28th February 2019, after which data were archived and analysed using SPSS 22.0. A total of 1030 questionnaires were received, of which 946 were deemed valid (valid response rate = 91.84%) after the exclusion of 82 questionnaires that did not meet the inclusion criteria and two incomplete questionnaires. Statistical analysis was performed on the collected data using descriptive statistics, an independent samples t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and stepwise regression. Results showed that the participants were aged 41.17 years on average (SD=5.47), with most participants being female (n=902, 95.45%), married (n=647, 68.39%), and undergraduate degree holders (n=697, 73.76%) or postgraduate (master’s or doctoral) degree holders (n=183, 19.34%). The average annual salary of the participants was NT$776,300 (SD=15.34, range=190–145). The participants were mainly certified in internal medicine (n=441, 46.62%), followed by surgery (n=404, 42.71%). On average, the participants had 9.27 years (SD=4.51) and 8.78 years (SD=3.91) of nursing and nurse practitioner experience, respectively. Results indicated that empowerment and professional autonomy were significantly positively correlated with nursing outcomes (p
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