Military Security Confiedence Building Measures across the Taiwan Strait: The Case of the South China Sea Issues

Autor: Li-Chun Liu, 劉立群
Rok vydání: 2018
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 106
This study was incepted by the fact that both sides of the Taiwan Strait – China and Taiwan, refused to recognize the outcome of the South China Sea arbitration case, by the Permanent Court due to same sovereignty claim in the South China Sea, By revisiting the long discussed military security confidence building measures across the Taiwan Strait, the study exploits possibilities of revitalizing such effort in the South China Sea after the court decision, and if wanted,apply to the discussion of long military security confidence builiding mechanism between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. In the Cold War era,the United States and the Soviet Union had signed the “Agreement Between the Government of The United States of America and the Government of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Prevention of Incidents On and Over the High Seas” as part of conflict prevention mechanism. Between the United States and the People’s Republic of China, there had been signed the agreement on the establishment of an agreement on “Establishing a Consultation Mechanism to Strengthen Military Maritime Safety, “Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the Rules of Behavior for the Safety of Air and Maritime Encounters,” and “Memorandum of Understanding on Notification of Major Military Activities Confidence Building Measures Mechanism.” These agreements were signed in a simple military angle and position, avoiding the interference of the political power of the state in the military, and the simplification of the agreement is not bound by international law and the state. Although the political, economic and military situation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits has been, imbalanced, people and private sector exchanges have been flourishing, and the South China Sea region remains with common interest. If by signing a simple military security confidence building measures on the South China Sea, it can contribute to the local garrison and would further promote the peaceful development of both sides of the Taiwan Straits and the safety of people''slives.
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