Helping not only benefits other but also self: The effect of altruistic and egoistic charitable appeals in donation behavior

Autor: Kai-Ti Chuang, 莊愷悌
Rok vydání: 2018
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 106
The main purpose of the study is to explore the influence of altruistic and egoistic charitable advertisements on donation behavior. In Study1, the research used the two charitable appeals to stimulate participants’ empathy and donation behavior. The results show that people will generate the higher rating of empathy, and thus increase the willingness to donate in altruistic appeal. In Study2, the research will have the further discussion on altruistic appeal. In the beginning, participants will judge what kind of person they are by their previous helping experiences. Later, the experiment explores the impact of people’s willingness to donate under different situations and make sure whether the behavior of helping is other-benefit or self-benefit. There are three conclusions in study2. First, people who did not help those in need will have the negative effect on self-signaling because of feeling guilty. It will also cause the higher intentions to donate money. Second, participants who did not help in the past will eventually know that helping not only benefits other but also self. Third, people know that “helping not only benefits other but also self” will increase the intentions to donate. The research hopes the discovery will help the nonprofit organization to promote their advertisement heightening the notions that helping those in need is self-benefit and make it more effectively achieve the purpose of the advertising.
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