Development of an Automatic Focal Mechanism Determination System Using First Motion Polarities from a Dense Strong Motion Network

Autor: Hsiang-Meng Yu, 游翔孟
Rok vydání: 2018
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 106
A dense low cost seismic network has been installed in Taiwan with about 700 stations. This network also receives 70 broadband seismic signals from Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica (IESAS) and National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE). It provides a good stations coverage for the earthquake monitoring as well as focal mechanism determination in Taiwan region. First-motion polarities from this network are used to determine focal mechanism. When an earthquake occurs, automatic picker will determine P arrivals and polarities of the first motion using Central Processing Unit (CPU) parallelization. Then, Equal Differential Time (EDT) surface and grid search methods are used to determine hypocenter location. The OpenACC parallel computing toolkit and Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) are used to reduce processing time. Finally, Genetic Algorithm (GA) method is used to determine focal mechanism. By CPU and GPU parallelization, this system can determine the hypocenter and focal mechanism within 3 to 5 minutes after an earthquake occurrence.
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