Kaohsiung City Education Institution A Teachers on Director Transformational Leadership, Teacher Personality Traits and Classroom Operation in the Perspective of the Faculties of Cram School

Rok vydání: 2018
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 106
Due to decreasing birth rate in addition to increasing exodus of Taiwanese businesses, operations of elementary and junior high level education institutions are becoming exacerbated operationally and feverishly competitive. Given that, the paper conducts literature review on three variables which are director transformational leadership, teacher DISC personality traits, and classroom operational performance. The researcher designs questionnaires that target certain large scale elementary and junior high school level education institutions for sample questionnaire surveys. Results and findings are as follows: I. Descriptive Statistical Abstract 1.The mean rating score given by education institution staff members to the four dimensions of director transformational leadership is between 4.09~4.16 (Max. 5). The highest score means being able to invigorate; followed by engaging in individual consideration, vision building, and potential development etc. 2.Staff member mean score towards the four dimensions of personality traits is between 5.42~5.00 (not the other way around?) (Max. 7). The highest is analytical at 5.42; the lowest being innovative at 5.00. 3.Staff member mean rating score towards the three dimensions of classroom operational performance is between 4.16~4.00 (Max. 5). Among them, the highest is financial performance, whereas customer identification and social image is at 4. II.Promotion Statistics Change Analysis Abstract 1. Women fare significantly higher than men in “potential development”. 2.For mean score on financial performance, staff members scored significantly higher than teachers. 3.Regarding mean scores on vision building, potential development, and classroom operational performance, those who are married scored significantly higher than those who are not. 4.Potential development, being analytical and individual consideration has significant influence upon customer identity performance. 5.Potential development, individual consideration and being innovative significantly influence classroom social image performance. 6.Potential development, being analytical, dominant or innovative and individual consideration significantly influence classroom financial performance. In regards to discussion on research findings, the paper proposes feasible suggestions in hopes of enhancing the education institution’s competitiveness.
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