A Study of Learning Achievement and Satisfaction by Applying E-Textbook to the Civic Course of Junior High School in Kaohsiung

Rok vydání: 2018
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 106
The development of technology is an important factor in human progress. Making good use of technology to improve efficiency has become indispensable for everyone. The purpose of the study is to investigate the students’ learning achievement and learning satisfaction by using E-Textbook on civic courses. The study adopts Quasi-Experiment Design. The two target groups are chosen from the ninth grade of a junior high school in Kaohsiung city. One of them is the experimental group (28 objects) with E-Textbook teaching. The other one is the control group (28 objects) with traditional teaching. The two target groups are classified respectively into high-range, mid-range, and low-range achievement according to their academic performances. The third sectional exam is used as the evaluation tool to assess the learning achievement of all the students. In addition, the experimental group needs to fill up and complete the questionnaires of learning satisfaction. Statistical methods employed in this study are average, ANCOVA, t test, and Pearson product-moment correlation. The analysis of the data reveals the following main findings: 1. The experimental group makes more progress than the control group on the learning achievement of civic courses, but it doesn’t make a significant difference. 2. In comparison with the traditional lecture teaching, E-Textbook teaching makes a much bigger improvement in mid-range achievement students, but shows less impact on high-range and low-range achievement students. 3. In the experimental group, the students’ learning satisfaction at civic courses with E-Textbook teaching is higher than the median 3. 4. The learning achievement of the experimental group reveals an obvious positive correlation with the learning satisfaction. The research results suggest that they may provide the references to teaching and study in the future.
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