Technological Investments on Assessment, Inter-organizational Knowledge Flow and Role of Patent Citation Network: Evidence from Solar Photovoltaic Companies

Autor: Yu-Jui Wuu, 伍昱睿
Rok vydání: 2016
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 104
Before dominant design and technologic paradigm of Solar Photovoltaics emerging, there is no specific direction for technology trajectory. Furthermore, technologic change is causally relative to social change, thus the process of choosing technologies and firms for investing is very complicate. This study builds up a strategic assessment process on investing technologies and firms from patentometrics perspective by combining patent portfolios, technologic knowledge flow and cost to power conversion efficiency ratio. Patent portfolios evaluate technologies and firms by three indicators of technology attractiveness, relative patent position and revealed patent advantage. Technologic knowledge flow adopts relative citation propensity from patent backward citation to measure technologic source and direction of movement. Cost to power conversion efficiency ratio shows the efficiency of technologic application and market capability. According this combination, this study tries to provide investors a method to choose appropriate technology and firms in the field during the development process of technology trajectory for Solar Photovoltaics. To recognize the technological position and technological role of significant differences, this paper established a two-stage cluster analysis, first, hierarchical cluster analysis, activeness and passiveness principal component scores as the two main clusters of variables, using Euclidean Distance to construction Similarity matrix and two-stage cluster analysis using Ward's method stage a clustering analysis, and using One-way MANOVA test and variance ratio statistic criteria, determine the most appropriate grouping of the number 4; stage two, known 4 Groups the number of activeness and passiveness to be K-means cluster analysis to cluster variables, and MANOVA test significant difference between four positions. In addition, construction of frequency relations index and significant indicators, within the representative position with reference to the relationship between the intensity of position between and patent citations network average citation frequency was the Cut-off value, between the test position distinctiveness position within and to position to investigate the relationship between the positions. Keywords: Solar Photovoltaics, Patentometrics, Patent Portfolio, Knowledge flow, Patent Backward Citation, Network Centrality, Position and Role.
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