The Ontology Thought, Solicitude and Implementation of Life Education-A Case Study of Complete Enlightenment Sutra

Autor: TING, KUO-YAO, 丁國耀
Rok vydání: 2016
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 104
The Case Study is based on the ontology of The Complete Enlightenment Sutra in search of the life wisdom, life solicitude and life implementation of the sutra. By comparing the ontology thought of the sutra and meaning of life education, it aims to propose some inspirations of the sutra on life education in Taiwan. The case study employs the method of qualitative research, with a main use of the literature review and theoretical approach. Life education is an education that resorts back to the origins of life and reflect upon the existence of life. What counts the most in life is not unceasingly pursue outwards but seek inwards and gain insight into how one sees one’s own life. Inside everyone of us lies the self-sufficient Nature of complete Enlightenment. The Nature of complete Enlightenment is non-appearing and non-extinguishing, ultimately comprehensive an all-pervasive in the universe(the dharmakāya). If we can see our own and others’ life in such a perspective, starting from this motive, then we can see and benefit all being in a more equal and compassionate point of view. The Complete Enlightenment Sutra emphasized the practicing methods in stages and the enlightenment as well, as the enlightenment is the basis for every conversion. When we come to the enlightenment of the actual state and ontology of life, then life will be converted and elevated on different levels and aspects. Thus, as is known that The Complete Enlightenment Sutra stresses the enlightenment of the mind and that all efforts shall ultimately be directed back to the exercise of the mind. The current life education researches center around the subject of humans. However, since it’s life education, as the name suggests, the subject matter of researches should be extended to all life forms. With equal solicitude to all life, life education shall go beyond the category of Holistic Education. The ideology based on The Complete Enlightenment Sutra is an all comprehensive ideology in moderation, with life wisdom, life solicitude, and life implementation mutually comprehensive of one another. The inspiration of ultimate truth and ultimate solicitude derived from the sutra will help us realize the relationship between ontology and phenomena, connecting life wisdom, life solicitude, and life implementation, which will help us open the path to perfect enlightenment of all beings, and return to the origin of life.
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