Divorce drama of opera in the Song and Yuan

Autor: YANG,TZU-HUI, 楊子慧
Rok vydání: 2014
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 102
Contemporary Song and Yuan drama followed the development of the times and s ocial environment, and therefore particularly rich s ens e of the times, this is s uch a concept paper to the theme of input on the topic of opera - the divorce drama, while The s tudy covers the whole of the drama and the collenction res idual s ong. This thes is is divided into four chapters. The fi rs t chap ter, the fi rs t ove rv iew o f t he s ituat ion and the So n g and Yuan Y i op era depos it res ea rch res ou rces, a nd t he Yua n Dy nas ty Tunes in to two parts through her. Among them, each full of the drama, s ave Qu Yi pro fi les res id ues, eac h r epe rto ire s ea rch in qui ry in to tha t cas e manageme nt, and lock in thes e res earch directions in res earch data to identify the Song and Yuan drama, the s tory contains res idual s ong marriage changed their mind, analys is of the text for dis cus s ion. The s ec ond c hap ter, s hall be clas s i f ied fo r conte nt div orce d rama, the marriage changed their mind and reas on, is divided into pas s ive and active type I I cate go ry, s u bd ivide d i nto a numbe r i n the sec ond categ or y, in o rde r to caus e the ke y d ivo r ce and d rama in the s t ory of the devel opmen t o f li nks, opera in the Song and Yuan clarify key plot divorce drama. The third chapter, places to divorce drama clas s is divided into a happy ending, leave, bereavement three parts, will make divorce outcome can echo the key plot, s o the whole s tory of contemporary couples divorce can have a mo re deta i led o f the dis cus s ion als o by this s ec tio n o f the comb, for the divorce plays a paragraph of comments. Chapter IV, with the cons olidation of the previous s ection, combined with contemporary external environment and internal factors, dis cus s the reas ons for the impact of divorce. Firs t of all, then the his torical background to the analys is, the integration of s ociological literature to explore the relations hip between s ocial background and drama when the development of the world; pick who return to the text, to explore the s tructure of the play of s hape and image of the characters. Song, Yuan Dynas ty, the environment changes and circulation, both s imilarities and differences, can be reflected clues in operas, tas te of contemporary s ociety, people's lives and there are emotions can even find out t he tr ut h revea led i n the d rama of t he s t ory an d f un. I n th is thes is, we came over here, daily production. Keywords: Song and Yuan drama, Tunes, Yuan Dynasty, divorce drama, marriage, happy, shenglisibie
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