The Effect of Error Feedback on Spelling and Sentence Writing for Upper Level Graders in Elementary School

Autor: Hsiao-han Tseng, 曾筱涵
Rok vydání: 2014
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 102
This study aimed to investigate the effects of corrective feedback on spelling and sentence writing for upper level graders in elementary school. In this quasi- experimental study 170 6th graders, were selected from an elementary school in New Taipei City. The researcher designed worksheets to collect data including students' word spelling and sentence writing. The experimental group received direct corrective feedback while the control group received the indirect feedback. The data were analyzed by ANOVA and post-hoc test was also conducted to gain further information. The results showed that the performance of the experimental group was significantly different from the control group in terms of language use (grammar correctness) while in other aspects, the performance of the two groups was not different. In terms of language use, the experimental group performed significantly different when using past tense. Furthermore, the comparisons were both significantly different between groups or within group. Some implications were drawn based on the results. For instance, according to the results, teachers could use direct feedback when correcting grammar errors and use indirect feedback when encountering other errors, such as mechanics or spelling, to save time and be more efficient; also, when giving feedback, teacher should take students' English level into consideration.
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