Tradition and Creativity: The Children's Beijing Opera 'Double Schemes in The Three Kingdoms' from an Aristotelian Point of View

Autor: HSUEH, YI-FEN, 薛怡芬
Rok vydání: 2014
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 102
Traditional Chinese plays and operas have undergone a long change. Every Zeitgeist(spirit of an era) and aesthetic styles have been inter-penetrated into these plays and operas so that they have become the very condemned bearer of Chinese culture. However, nowadays the audiences of traditional Chinese plays and operas have decreased day and day, in that they are unable to keep pace with the times. We can see that if the traditional plays and operas can't keep pace with the times, their destiny is only to be eliminated. In recent dozen years, many theatrical troupes that perform traditional plays and operas are devoted to creating new ones: except adapting given ones, also trying to draw elements from Western dramas. These practices more or less influences the way of performance of traditional plays and operas and also changes their essence; Although traditional plays and operas find a way out, it also results in a conflict between tradition and innovation, and results in a tension between keeping traditional aesthetics view and following Western dramas. The author, in virtue of the theory of dramas originated from the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle’s Poetica(On Poetics), firstly tries to discuss the way of presentation of this drama from six aspects (plot, character, thought, speech, melody and spectacle), in order to understand the property of traditional drama in “Double Schemes in The Three Kingdoms”. Secondly, the author tries to discuss the innovation of this drama in "media", "presentation "," stage technology ", and "function" from the perspective of Aristotle’s “Four Causes”—material cause, formal cause, efficient cause and final cause, in order to raise a suggestion for sustainable development of cultural and creative industries in Taiwan. Finally, conclusions are as following: change is the necessary condition to create a new life of traditional plays and operas; thoroughly realize the essence of traditional plays and operas is the necessary condition to further creativity; the purpose of creativity is to revive and pass on the cultural heritage.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations