Area Minimization for CSA-Based Multiple Constant Multiplication Designs using Smart Sign Extension and Accurate Bit Counting

Autor: Lin, Tzu-Ching, 林子敬
Rok vydání: 2013
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 102
Multiple constant multiplication (MCM) method is widely adopted as a replacement of general purpose multiplier in many ASIC signal processing systems such as FIR filter, IIR filter, DCT and FFT. The MCM block that consists only adders, subtractors and shifters can reduce area cost significantly. For high-speed applications, carry save adder (CSA) based MCM is proposed because the long carry propagation path in traditional carry propagation adder (CPA) is reduced. Currently, all published algorithms of CSA-based MCM problem only count to word level without touching the details of implementation. However, unlike CPA, trivial sign extension is not suitable for CSA. Also, the word length variation in different CSA's is large. In this thesis, we propose a new systematic method called smart sign extension to reduce adder bits and combine it with accurate bit counting while doing MCM area optimization by an ILP (Integer Linear Programming) tool. Experimental results show an area improvement up to 30% compared to the conventional MCM method.
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