A Study on the Experiential Learning Process of Tai Chi Chuan Players Developing Body Awareness

Autor: Yi-Fang Liu, 劉伊芳
Rok vydání: 2013
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 101
The purpose of the research was to explore how the Tai chi Chuan players’ learning experiences affect and change their body awareness. It is hoped that this study can achieve the following goals: 1. The understanding of Tai chi Chuan players’ initial motivations. 2. The understanding of Tai chi Chuan players’ process of experiential learning of learning Tai chi Chuan. 3. The understanding of the influence of Tai chi Chuan players’ experiential learning on their body, mind and life. In this study, the necessary data were collected through qualitative in-depth interviews assisted with semi-structured interview outlines. Six Tai chi Chuan players were interviewed. Their ages were between33 and 59. Their were three male and three female. All of them had been practicing Tai chi Chuan for six to nine years. According to the research findings, conclusions were made respectively as follows: 1. Tai chi Chuan players’ motivational factors were interest for knowledge, integrative motivation, social relation. 2. Tai chi Chuan players’ process of experiential learning of learning Tai chi Chuan have concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. During the learning of process, A part of learning and body experiences would not through combining with and reflections. 3. “ Physical and psychological conflict” and “ high model identification with teacher” can improve the ability of reflective thinking of Tai chi Chuan players. 4. The key factors of influencing Tai chi Chuan players’ body, mind and life are Tai chi Chuan teacher, learning attitudes, group atmosphere. 5. The continuing involvement of Tai-chi chuan indeed contribute to the case to have positive physical, mental, and social development. Key words: Tai chi Chuan, Experiential learning process, Body awareness, Somatics
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