Construction of domestic environment for development of biopharmaceutical industry- from design of the research performance of index

Autor: I-Chen Liu, 劉依蓁
Rok vydání: 2012
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 100
Biopharmaceutical industry has the characteristics of the knowledge economy. Taiwan government has promoted the biotech industry for over 30 years, but the output of Taiwan's biotech industry was not as good as expected. What is the reason behind this result, whether the present evaluation system is capable to encourage further innovation and technology transfer is therefore an interesting subject to investigate. In Taiwan, academic and research institutes play an important role in the upstream of Taiwan’s biotech industry supply chain. In this bio-ecosystem, National Science council (NSC) funds these institutes, and these institutes support the industries with various technology innovation and research talent. To evaluate the performance of the researchers, NSC adopts the Research performance index (RPI) as a quantitative index. The RPI index is composed by researcher’s performance, such as SCI papers, patents and Technology transfer. The index may affect the reception of research grant of researcher’s project application and allocation of research resources between various disciplines. Therefore, RPI can play an important role in directing researcher’s focus. While focusing on the RPI, this study tries to establish a new and cost-analysis based RPI in order to objectively evaluate the performance of SCI papers, patents, technology transfer and university-industry cooperation. With the cost-analysis based RPI, this study believes the academic and research institutes will have more motives for developing innovative technology, so as to rise the biopharmaceutical industry in Taiwan. According to the present RPI system, each SCI paper is worth 60 points, and each patent is worth 50 points (foreign patent) or 40 points (local patents), respectively. As to the technology transfer, the RPI is also only 90 points. Such system is obvious incapable of reflecting the real value of patent and technology transfer. In this study, the cost method was used to evaluate the cost of SCI papers and patent in order to develop a reasonable RPI model. This study use the data 2006-2010 domestic biotechnology research and development funding of 17,694.6 million NTD and 6,843 SCI papers in biotechnology field. By subtracting these two figures, we get the value of average cost of an SCI paper is 2.59 million NTD. Factoring the Impact factor, we can find the cost of getting 1 point of RPI is 4,3200 NTD. In the part of patent cost, we calculate the cost of an issued American biotechnology patent applied by Taiwanese is 126.57 million NTD (17,694.6 million NTD research funds and 140 issued American biotechnology patents). If divided the average cost of RPI (43,200NTD), an issued American biotechnology patent is worth 2930 RPI points. Considering of the patent quality that may be affected by many useless patent, we get the proportion of authorized patents to total patents (23%) from Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM). The RPI points of one patent should be multiplied by 23% in order to reflect the real value of the patent, so an American biotechnology patent should gain 674 RPI points. Moreover, considering the fact of getting FDA approval, we set a weighted index according to the estimated value of completion of each phase of development according to Morgan Stanley Research. In reality, the most important factor for the new drug research &; development shall be on the technology transfer or license of the research results. However, the present RPI model only give up to 90 points to technology transfer. Apparently, such weighting is unable to encourage active technology transfer activity. Moreover, the RPI of technology transfer could be calculated by convert the license fee into a index of RPI with the cost of getting 1 point of RPI. The group of professor Ming-Shi Chang has development a new drug, anti-IL20, for treating of osteoporosis and has been licensed to Novo Nordisk with 13,3million USD as upfront licensing fee. According to the pattern of RPI organized by this study, professor Chang’s technology transfer is worth 9,236 RPI points instead of the existing RPI worth only 90 points. With the cost-analysis based pattern of RPI, there are more incentives to conduct technology transfer instead of the existing pattern of RPI. In order to encourage university-industry cooperation, the study suggests to include the university-industry cooperation funding into calculation of RPI. For example, professor Ming-Shi Chang will get 1 million USD per year from Novo Nordisk for three consecutive years. If converted to RPI as the study suggested, it is worth 2,082 RPI points. According to the existing RPI model, a researcher who has more than five years’ seniority could choose the best seven research performance through SCI papers, patents and technology transfer. This study suggests to establish a revised category that consisted of SCI paper, patents, technology transfer and university-industry cooperation. Under this revised RPI model, the research still can select the best five SCI papers as he/she choose, but the study suggests that the RPI shall also include all the patents, technology transfer and university-industry cooperation within five years based on previously discussed formula as bonuses. In summary, by adopting the value-based RPI model, this study finds, may most effectively inducing the motivation of patent application, technology transfer and university-industry cooperation, and can further activate domestic R&;D energy and strengthen the international competitiveness of Taiwan’s biopharmaceutical industry.
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